We’re thrilled that Trio Bather, the unique three-in-one shower mitt, is now on social media! Trio Bather is a flannel, sponge and back scrubber, but can also be used for skin exfoliation and for applying cream to your back. It is set to make bathing more convenient for many different people!
You can now follow us on Twitter @TrioBather and you can ‘like’ our Facebook Page at facebook.com/TrioBather (or click on the social media icons elsewhere on this page). By following or ‘liking’ Trio Bather, you will be among the first to receive the news of its launch, and to have the chance to purchase your very own Trio Bather. Please spread the word about Trio Bather by following us, by sharing our news with others you know, and by letting us know your views on this exciting product.